"हम उस ईश्वर कि सेवा करना चाहते हैं जिसे अज्ञानी लोग मनुष्य कहते हैं"
National level sports event for Physically Disables "Abilympics" was held at Jabalpur (MP) between 22nd Oct to 24th Oct 2010. Candidates all across from different states of India came to participate in the National event.
There were 300 participants out of whom the Gold medalist will be sent to participate in International Abilympics conducting at Korea next year. Vivekanada Urja Punj (VUP) along with Spirituality by Nature (SbN) gave there services to these NARAYAN during the meet.
All VUP and SbN member joyfully accepted the opportunity and enjoyed serving the participants. The members were so happy
serving the participants that they find no words to express their inner feeling of joy and happiness. All members found saying "We fulfill
the purpose of our life we born for".
From Right to left:-
Sitting: Anamika Jain, Sheetal Sahu, Himanshu Deshmukh, Sharad Singhai, Nikhil Ranjan Jha
Standing: Girish Gupta, Ajay singh, Sumant, Rishabh, Rohit Bathre.
Urja Punj not in photo: Kapil Jaiswal, Pyush thakur, Subhash Diwedi, Pankaj Sharma, Prof. R P S Chandel, Tapesh
आत्मने मोक्षार्थं जगत हिताए च (हमारे मोक्ष्य के साथ-साथ लोकहित के लिए) एवं सर्वभूत हितेरतः कृण्वन्तो विश्वमार्यम् " (सब प्राणियों के हित में रत रहकर सारे विश्व को श्रेष्ठ बनायेंगे ) के उद्देश्य को चरितार्थ करते हुए विवेकानन्द ऊर्जा पुंज ने जबलपुर मैं आयोजित तीसरे राष्ट्रीय अबिल्य्म्पिक में आये शारीरिक अक्षम नारायण कि सेवा करने का एक छोटा सा प्रयास किया।
From Right to left:-
Sitting: Anamika Jain, Sheetal Sahu, Himanshu Deshmukh, Sharad Singhai, Nikhil Ranjan Jha
Standing: Girish Gupta, Ajay singh, Sumant, Rishabh, Rohit Bathre.
Urja Punj not in photo: Kapil Jaiswal, Pyush thakur, Subhash Diwedi, Pankaj Sharma, Prof. R P S Chandel, Tapesh